See grow a new Campus to house a new building for our School – allowing us to double our capacity and position the students experience in the new era -also allowing the expansion of the other Católica Schools in Lisbon.
If you are reading this, it’s probably because no matter how much time has passed, you still feel connected to your School. This is where the long road ahead started, where so much was learned, where so many friendships were born, where your career was launched, where you … … …(so much) for the first time…, where so many seeds of who you are today were planted.
We believe you lived a great experience. And we believe on the power of paying it forward.
Gratitude in itself is more than a pleasant feeling; it is also motivating. Gratitude serves as a key link between receiving and giving: It moves recipients to share and increase the very good they have received. Because so much of human life is about giving, receiving, and repaying, gratitude is a pivotal concept for our social interactions.
In short, it is gratitude that enables us to be fully human.
Today, like never before, CATÓLICA-LISBON has the ambition to grow and to continue to increase its quality, impact and standing among the best business schools in Europe, shaping integral leaders who will have a significant say in the future of the world around them, forging brilliant careers and impacting society in a responsible, sustainable way.
But as you know, CATÓLICA-LISBON is a private, non-profit institution and, unlike most of our peer schools in Portugal, we do not benefit from state funding. Our sources of revenue adequately cover our operational costs but leave little to reinvest in the school. To remain a leading business school in Portugal and aim for a similar position in Europe, we need to compete for talent, provide the means for research and innovation in learning, and build our world-class reputation.
You, as alumn of this School, know better than anyone what it means to have studied at CATÓLICA-LISBON.
Don’t you believe the world is somewhat better because you are in it? Wouldn’t you want others to have the same opportunity?
Know more about the School’s development ambition and needs here. (link para o THE SCHOOL - School Development)
You may want to help us to fundraise one of our projects, being it through your company, through mobilizing your friends and family, offering to host a fundraising event, igniting our fundraising challenges.
Ideas, contacts and arm labor are all very welcome!
Contact our Development Office.
During our fundraising campaign for the new Campus, we will launch several events and could use the help of volunteers for all kinds of related activities. If you have some time to spare and want to get on some action, we’ll make sure to keep you busy!
Contact our Development Office.
Your generosity will not go unnoticed and you will see its fruits very clearly. We will make sure that you are always up-to-date with what we have accomplished with your help.
Regardless of your gift, your name will be connected to the School forever!
Donations specifically for our new building in Campus Veritati allow you to name all kinds of rooms and spaces.
Contact our Development Office to see our sponsoring menu.