There are several ways to stay in touch with your fellow alumni.
Make sure you are active in our Alumni Directory and check out the get togethers organized by the Alumni Office. You can also join the Alumni Association if you are in Lisbon or an International Alumni Club if you are abroad.
Alumni Directory
Stay in the loop with the CATÓLICA-LISBON Alumni Directory.
Find a friend and make sure your friends can find you. Keep your information up-to-date.
There are seven international alumni clubs that help you all stay connected, reinforcing the spirit of the CATÓLICA-LISBON alumni community, and supporting the integration of our international alumni both in their respective home countries and abroad.
There is also a Lisbon-based, autonomous Alumni Association that focuses on fostering networking between generations, professional development and sharing knowledge and experiences among their associates. It is well-known for its exclusive cultural events.
CATÓLICA–LISBON Alumni Association
Founded in 1977, the CATÓLICA–LISBON Alumni Association currently counts more than 400 active members.
Based in Lisbon, this independent association is an exclusive and highly dynamic networking platform for former students which aims to enhance professional development and knowledge sharing. It has been key in promoting a friendly community of like-minded alumni over the years, engaging them in many networking, mentoring, leisure and cultural events.
International Alumni Clubs
These International Alumni Clubs are run by alumni volunteers for alumni living and working abroad, with the support and backing of CATÓLICA-LISBON's Alumni Office. They can be a safe shore away from home and the perfect way to broaden your international professional and personal network.
International Alumni Club meetings can take a variety of forms, from talks on relevant topics to informal dinners and outings together, but they are always a fantastic opportunity to keep in touch with former classmates, to network, and to share knowledge among the alumni community.
International Alumni Clubs also play an important role in welcoming other alumni to the country, its mores, culture and ways around as well as guiding current students through the job market requisites and opportunities.
Whether you wish to get to know new people, or to volunteer and make things happen, don’t hesitate to get involved.
Would you like to start a new Alumni Club?