The Online Research Panel (PEO) is an online management recruitment system that allows conducting online and in-person studies in the fields of Economics and Management. PEO is under the responsibility of Center for Applied Studies (CEA) of CATÓLICA-LISBON, providing support on applied projects.
Currently, PEO has the support of faculty and research members of CATÓLICA-LISBON, which constitute a multidisciplinary, international, and highly professional team. This team allows the development of customized solutions, using different methodologies both in terms of qualitative studies and quantitative studies, having the ability to meet specific needs of public, private and social institutions.
PEO also collaborates with the Laboratory of Experimental Research iN Economics and Management (LERNE), which provides a research lab with individual working stations, as well as a retail lab, allowing the collection of in-store data, expanding the field of study and of data collection of PEO.
One of the main objectives of PEO is to maintain a panel of participants with different characteristics, allowing the definition of specific and generic samples in order to respond accurately to the objectives of the studies requested by researchers or companies. PEO uses varied strategies to recruit participants, and ensures that participants’ data are updated on a regular basis.
Panel Description
Currently, the Panel has the collaboration of approximately 18000 registered participants, aged between 17 and 77 years old. Participants live in different districts of Portugal: 36% live in Lisbon, 25% in the North, 21% in the Centro region, 8% in the Alentejo, 3% live in the Madeira Region, 4% in the Algarve, 4% in the Azores Region.
PEO provides a unique research tool to collect data from a heterogeneous and highly diversified panel.
PEO is used to produce the Studies of Portuguese Society
Companies interested in carrying out a project using PEO should contact the consulting team from the Center for Applied Studies (CEA) of CATÓLICA-LISBON, for proper definition of activities (E-mail: and Tel.: (+351) 217 206 241).
To participate in studies conducted by PEO, participants should first register in the online panel. Each participant can enroll in online studies and / or in-person studies.
PEO provides on its website the operating and participation in studies rules, as well as its Privacy Policy, to which all members consent when register on the panel.
Rules of PEO and Privacy Policy
*only for residents in Portugal