To provide leaders and managers with the knowledge and best practices needed to evaluate the benefits of digital transformation in their organizations.
The convergence of technologies, from mobility to real-time information, from social networks to cloud techniques, has already profoundly changed the way people relate, communicate, discover information and work.
To be successful, companies need to deeply review how they interact with their stakeholders, how they deal with information, and how they organize their internal processes to better optimize the resources available.
This program aims to provide managers and leaders the ability to lead the Digital Transformation processes in their companies, in order to achieve concrete results and to be prepared for the new challenges.
- Executives that want to develop their competences in governance, innovation and management in the Digital Transformation context;
- Managers that want to extend the change context imposed by Digital Transformation and the impact in the strategy and business models of the organizations;
- Leaders and Managers of companies that want to initiate Digital Transformation programs;
- Potential entrepreneurs with plans to launch business projects.
Key takeaways:
To identify the main digital tendencies which impact upon the strategic course and the business models of organizations.
To identify the impact of digital tools in the relation between the company and its clients (B2B, B2C, B2B2C, …).
To provide the executives and managers with the knowledge and good practices needed to organize, manage, implement and control digital transformation programmes in their organizations.
The possibility of analyzing and validating specific cases with a teaching staff composed of academics and specialists in the themes related to digital transformation.
To provide the participants with digital fluency in order to improve decision taking capacity, including strategies incorporating the concept of digital transformation.
Institutional partner:

"The digital transformation is not only an imperative but it is also a unique opportunity for companies to reinvent themselves and construct new business models and relationship with their clients. That's why at José de Mello Saúde we have embrace for several years the digital challenge with enthusiasm and with the determination of doing each time more and better. I congratulate Universidade Católica for this opportune program and important for the development of the companies."
Salvador de Mello
José de Mello Saúde, Chairman of the Board of Directors

"At Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, we see digital transformation as an indispensable way to develop our activities in arts, education, science and Human development, in a more efficient way, with more impact in society and more relevance for our publics and beneficiaries. The digital transformation is in that way a continuous learning process, having in mind the same goal: fulfill our mission in a more relevant way. That's why this program of Universidade Católica comes not only to reply to a need of organizations, but as well challenge them to think forward."
Isabel Mota
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Administrator

"IMPRESA is perceived today as a innovator group of media and very compromised with its digital future. We knew how to take advantage of opportunities and explore our contents in a transversal way, looking for them by themselves and not by the platform in which they are in. In this sense, we continue to take advantage of the benefits that the digital processes allow us to have, either in being in the creation of new contents, such as EXPRESSO DIÁRIO, or for the optimization of internal processes focusing in organizational efficiency. For believing in the importance of this function, I mark this initiative of Universidade Católica with the certainty that it will contribute for the processes improvement of any company."
Pedro Norton
Grupo Impresa, CEO
Andreia Hidalgo
10th Edition*: starts on October 18th, 2022
*Applications open until October 10th, 2022
This program will be taught in Portuguese.
Classes: Tuesdays and Wednesdays, from 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Duration: 7 weeks | total of 59 hours