The researcher Joana Silva (CUBE) will represent the research unit at the annual meeting of science, technology and innovation in Portugal which takes place from May 16 – 18 at Centro de Congressos de Lisboa.
The researcher will be presenting Inequality: New Explanations, New Challenges at the Reducing Social Inequalities session, on May 18, 2pm room 5A.
“Building the Future with Science” is the motto for the National Science Summit' 22 and the program aims to promote a broad debate on the main topics and challenges of the scientific agenda beyond the world of research. The meeting main goal, therefore, is to stimulate not just the participation but also the interaction and dialogue between researchers, the business sector and the general public to foster new interdisciplinary interactions. The guest country is Egypt, which actively participates in the meeting in terms of representing official entities and scientific institutions.
You can find the programme here. The event is free entry bur requires registration.