On October 14th will take place at Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics the public presentation of the NECEP Quarterly Newsletter - 3rd Quarter 2015.
The edition of a Quarterly Newsletter about the short-term behavior of the portuguese economy is the main activity of Católica Lisbon Forecasting Lab |NECEP, an applied research group that works within the Center of Applied Studies of CATÓLICA-LISBON.
Based on public data only, NECEP Quarterly Newsletter presents forecasts for the main macroeconomic aggregates, including GDP.
This public presentation of the NECEP Quarterly Newsletter will start at 9:00 am (please consult the detailed program below):
9:00 am | Welcome Coffee (Executive Lounge - floor 3 - CATÓLICA-LISBON) |
9:30 am |
- Openning Session (Auditorium Ernst & Young - floor 3 - CATÓLICA-LISBON) - Presentaion of the NECEP Quarterly Newsletter, 42 – 3rd Quarter 2015 - Questions/Answers Session |
10:30 am | Coffee Break (Executive Lounge - floor 3 - CATÓLICA-LISBON) |
Please confirm your attendance until October 12th through the email necep@clsbe.lisboa.ucp.pt.