Mentoring Program

CATÓLICA-LISBON's Mentoring Program is a unique and innovative project that contributes to the personal development of Undergraduate and Master students through "one to one" contact with an experienced CATÓLICA-LISBON graduate - their Mentor - from the first moment they start their Bachelor or Master ‘s degree.

Key Program Figures

How it works

Participation is voluntary, both for mentees and mentors.

Each academic year new entrants in both the Undergraduate and the Master Programs are given the chance to apply for a mentor amongst the CATÓLICA-LISBON alumni base.

At the same time, former students with more than 10 years professional experience are invited by the Dean to be mentors. It is also possible to apply spontaneously, by contacting the Alumni Relations team directly.

The key to the program’s success is the care and effort that is put into matching mentor and mentee, considering their individual profiles, goals, areas of interest and even – when possible – personality.

Although it is expected that the mentee-mentor relationship lasts for the whole duration of the student’s academic program, the work they do together follows the ebbs and flows of the academic calendar. It is expected that each pair gets to meet – either in person or online - a minimum of 4 times, up to 8 times during a school year.

What exactly is a mentor?

A mentor is someone who relies on his/her experience to help someone who is less experienced to accomplish certain personal and/or professional development goals.

A mentoring relationship demands some quality time together and it thrives on the good will and generosity of the mentor, as well as on the willingness to grow of the mentee. It is a collaboration filled with a sense of sharing and mutual learning.

The mentor can have many different roles throughout the program:

  • The discussion partner, who is willing to discuss different opinions and ideas.
  • The knowledge sharer, who teaches when necessary.
  • The storyteller, who tells personal stories to illustrate a point.
  • The advisor, who guides and sometimes leads the way.
  • The coach, who askes challenging questions that instill personal growth.


In terms of the benefits the mentor delivers to the mentee, these include constructive criticism, network sharing, guidance, facilitation and even friendship.

One of the most frequent feedbacks we get from our alumni who have mentor experience is that this is an extremely rewarding experience, and that the learning from the mentoring relationship works both ways.

While an experienced mentor can provide the mentee with a jump up the experience curve, the mentee can help keep the mentor current, attuned to the younger generations’ priorities and points of view. 

To find out whether you would like to be a mentor of a CATÓLICA-LISBON student, we suggest you ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do I have 2-3 hours to spare per month?
  • Do I want to give back to my former school?
  • Do I feel excited with the possibility of helping a young student find their way through the first steps of their career?
  • Do I feel my experience is valuable to help a younger person launch their career in an impactful and fulfilling way?
  • Am I willing to be part of a community of likeminded, generous people, who also studied at CATÓLICA-LISBON and are also part of this program?


If you answered “yes” to a minimum of three of these questions, please contact us. We’ll be thrilled to tell you more about the Mentoring Program and how you can make a difference!