Grupo Nabeiro's internationalization model and post-pandemic challenges
February 24 | 5:00pm – Hybrid Conference – Room 512A and Zoom
The Católica International Business Platform (Católica IBP) will promote, on February 24, a Knowledge Conference dedicated to the theme “Grupo Nabeiro’s internationalization model and post-pandemic challenges”. This conference will take place in auditorium 512A in the CATÓLICA-LISBON building and will be broadcast simultaneously via zoom.
The “Catholic IBP Case Library” will also be presented at this event, an initiative within the scope of the Learning & Sharing program that aims to provide knowledge from the experience of companies that are developing innovative approaches to continue to grow internationally. We want to promote debate, and create appealing dynamics to encourage new generations of managers to embrace careers in Portuguese companies with high potential for international growth, and current leaders to invest in the development of organizational skills.
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