CATÓLICA-LISBON and CUBE are proud to announce that Professor Rik Pieters, from Tilburg University, has joined CATÓLICA-LISBON as a Visiting Professor, holding the Amélia de Mello Foundation Visiting Chair of Marketing.

Professor Rik Pieters has been with Tilburg University since 1993, and it has been at this renowned Dutch school that he has become one of the most prestigious and prolific Marketing researchers in all of Europe. His work has been cited more than 30,000 times. According to the American Marketing Association (AMA) Rik Pieters  was considered the 3rd author in Europe in the field of Marketing, both thanks to his high productivity and the top quality of his publications, across the span of a decade.  Prof. Pieters also served as Associate Editor at the Journal of Marketing Research (the leading AMA journal) and was the first European co-organizer of the International conference of the Association for Consumer Research (ACR).

Professor Rik Pieters has been working with CUBE’s junior and senior faculty for several years, and has become a valued collaborator to the CATÓLICA-LISBON Marketing and Consumer Behavior research group. His main fields of interest are marketing communication, consumer behavior and services marketing.

 The Amélia de Mello Foundation has a strategic partnership with Universidade Católica Portuguesa and created a research fund to support outstanding talent at CATÓLICA-LISBON. It funds the Dean’s Alfredo da Silva Chair, Faculty Fellowships for talented Faculty and Visiting Chairs for outstanding international researchers such as Professor Rik Pieters.