René Bohnsack, PhD, is Associate Professor for Strategy and Innovation at Católica-Lisbon. René researches the commercialization of sustainable and digital technologies and how business models can accelerate the process. He has published his research in the best international management and innovation journals (Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management Studies, California Management Review, Research Policy, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Technovation, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, etc.), presented his research at top international conferences, received the Best Paper Award at the Academy of Management ONE Division 2019, the Best Paper Award in Sustainable Entrepreneurship in 2016, and the 3rd prize for the best innovation management paper 2013. René’s current research focuses on token-based business models, competition in digital business ecosystems and the role of digital technologies for sustainable development on business modelling. He shared the findings of his research in an acclaimed TEDx talk in 2019 (Link).

Also, René is the academic director of the Lisbon MBA and founder of the Business Model Design Lab (BMDL) a multi-disciplinary research team working on cutting-edge knowledge on business model innovation and business model teaching. The lab is lead partner in two major European R&D projects concerned with business modelling for smart grids and eHealth. Moreover, René consults companies on strategic issues related to business modelling, digitalization and internationalization. In total, SCIL collaborates with 40+ companies across Europe. René and the team of BMDL is also hosting the award-winning platform, a unique platform for business modelling. Next to René’s academic accomplishments, he also co-founded several companies, for instance an online platform for social carsharing, an online service for flight refunds, and two start-ups for e-Health solutions.
