Leading remote teams.
In contexts of change and intense competition, leadership must focus on goals, on performance efficiency and on the presentation of results rather than becoming bogged down in process management and routines. Results-oriented leaders work according to the final goals to be achieved. They know how to manage priorities, use feedback to improve team performance, remove obstacles and resolve conflicts, recognize progress in the direction of the goals and build relationships of trust.
This eminently practical and interactive program will give you the tools to achieve these goals.
- Operational team leaders;
- Managers by sectors or areas of activity;
- SME managers.
Skills will be acquired in the following areas:
Main Benefits:
Knowing how to define clear and ambitious objectives.
Monitoring and reinforcing individual and team progress.
Monitoring and reinforcing individual and team progress.
Giving feedback and support in real time.
Stimulating confidence in the results.
Andreia Hidalgo
Online Program with personalized follow up
Starts on*: November 8th, 2022
*Applications open until October 31st, 2022
Duration: 1 month + coaching session | total of 22h